About Alyse

I’m originally from Jackson, Michigan, the home of the “Dare to Be Great” 21-scoop ice cream sundae at The Parlour. You’ll know I’m really from Michigan because if you ask me where I’m from I’ll hold up my hand, palm out like a mitten, and point to the south central area where Jackson is located.

I practiced my early leadership skills on my 3 younger siblings – two brothers and a baby sister, although I still don’t think they’re very appreciative of my assertive (read: bossy) big sister style. Still, I knew early in life that women were born to lead. Around age 10, I read a biography of Queen Elizabeth I and my lifelong passion for women’s leadership sparked.

Today, I live in the beautiful state of Virginia, named for the queen who ignited my quest to launch women leaders. I love doing life with my husband, Rod, and our full house of six amazing kids – 3 boys and 3 girls – plus an assortment of dogs.

On the professional side, I’m an entrepreneur, educator, and perpetual student of leadership. I teach business, communication, and leadership to college students, and I’m co-founder of Excelsa Group, a management consulting firm. I’ve authored and co-authored a range of book chapters, articles, and conference presentations on topics including women’s leadership, work-life intersections, teamwork, servant leadership, and more. I earned a B.A. and M.A. in Communication, and my Ph.D. is in Strategic Leadership, with a concentration in Organizational Science.